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This Email is the property of Complex Law LTD and is intended solely for the addressee(s). It is strictly confidential and may also be legally privileged. If you are not the addressee please do not read, print, re-transmit, disclose, store or act in reliance on it or any attachment. Instead please Email the message back to the sender and then immediately permanently delete it.
Complex Law Ltd is a limited company registered in England & Wales (registered number 6938570). Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority as solicitors in England & Wales (registration number: 515276). Details of the company’s Professional Indemnity Insurance, Standard Terms & Conditions and Complaints Procedure are available on request from the Registered Office. The Registered Office is: Avenue HQ, Mann Island, Liverpool, L3 1BP.Vat Reg No Gb 976 4660 72.
We use ‘Complex Law’ to refer, as the context may require, to Complex Law LTD and affiliated entities which practice under the name ‘Complex Law’ or a name which incorporates those words. For important regulatory information please visit: The word ‘partner’, used in relation to the limited company, refers to a shareholder of the limited company or a designated employee or consultant of the limited company or of any affiliated firm who has equivalent standing and qualifications. A list of the shareholders of the company, and of those non-shareholders who are designated as partners, is available from the registered office on request.
Emails received and sent by Complex Law are checked by Office 365s Exchange Online Protection. We check for updates to our antivirus software several times a day, this enables us to use the most up to date protection available. However, we would still recommend that you check all emails using your own antivirus software.
Fraudsters are targeting solicitors firms by sending bogus emails or letters informing people that the firm’s bank details have changed and asking for payment to be made to their bank account rather than the firm’s. Our bank account details have not changed for many years and we have no plans to change them in the foreseeable future. If you receive any communication by email, letter or phone that appears to come from us, providing different bank details to the ones supplied at the outset or indicating a change in our bank details, please contact us by telephone immediately using the normal telephone number that you would use for us and ask to be put through to the accounts department. Do not reply to the email/letter or act on any information contained in it. We will not accept responsibility if you transfer money to an incorrect account.