Bounce-Back Loan Disputes

Expert legal defence for directors.

Directors and former directors of limited companies are increasingly finding themselves in disputes over unpaid bounce-back loans. Complex Law has the experience and expertise you need to navigate these disputes successfully.

Bounce-Back Loan Disputes

Issues with legal enforceability

Some directors have raised concerns about whether they were presented with clear and fair lending terms when obtaining these loans under immense financial pressure during the pandemic. There may be ambiguities in the agreements that our experienced team can identify and potentially challenge in court — which in some circumstances may provide grounds for negotiating more favourable repayment terms or contesting the entire loan.
Bounce-Back Loan Disputes

Concerns for former company directors

Where bounce-back loans are disputed, lenders may attempt to trace the debt back to former directors who were in position when the loans were taken out, even years later. This can be highly disruptive for individuals who believed they had left all company matters behind on resigning from their position. Navigating these disputes requires a careful reconstruction of events, review of relevant documentation, and a strong legal strategy to resolve or defend against any claims of improper conduct.
Bounce-Back Loan Disputes

The risks facing company directors

One significant issue directors face with bounce-back loans is the potential for personal liability. These loans were offered with relaxed eligibility criteria and fewer credit checks compared to traditional business loans. If the company struggles to repay these loans, lenders may pursue directors personally due to the personal guarantees typically required for bounce-back loans. Directors could find their personal assets at risk if the company becomes insolvent without a viable repayment plan.
Bounce-Back Loan Disputes

Comprehensive fixed-fee legal service

At Complex Law, we understand the importance of clear and predictable legal costs. Our fixed fee service, priced at £2500 + VAT, is designed to provide comprehensive legal support for bounce-back loan disputes, offering a transparent cost structure that ensures you can confidently invest in your defence without worrying about unexpected expenses.
Navigating a bounce-back loan dispute?

Here’s how Complex Law can help.

Unpaid bounce-back loans can lead to legal claims against directors, personal liability, and potential insolvency proceedings, making it crucial to seek legal guidance promptly. Failing to address these issues can have severe financial and reputational consequences for directors and their businesses. Complex Law offers a personalised service, tailored to your specific situation, to help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Understanding your unique circumstances

Our team will conduct a thorough review of your bounce-back loan agreement, any claims against you, and the specific circumstances surrounding your situation. This meticulous process allows us to tailor our defence strategy to your unique needs and maximise your chances of a favourable outcome.

Developing a tailored defence strategy

Drawing upon our extensive experience in bounce-back loan disputes, we’ll devise a bespoke defence strategy that aligns with your financial interests and business goals. Our approach may involve strategic negotiations, challenging the enforceability of claims, or preparing for legal representation in court.

Taking legal action on your behalf 

Should negotiations fail to yield the desired outcomes, Complex Law is prepared to provide robust legal representation. Our experienced litigators are skilled at defending directors in court, leveraging our extensive knowledge of commercial law to protect your interests and those of your business.

Exploring your options

At Complex Law, we understand the complexities and challenges surrounding bounce-back loan disputes. Our specialist team combines legal acumen with an empathetic understanding of the pressures faced by business leaders, delivering tailored solutions that prioritise your financial well-being and business continuity.

With a proven track record of defending directors and negotiating favourable settlements, we are well-equipped to guide you through these intricate legal matters. Our transparent fixed-fee arrangement ensures you have full sight of all expected costs, allowing for precise financial planning.

Don't let the burden of disputed bounce-back loans jeopardise your future or your business. Talk to Complex Law today to explore your legal options.

Was a lovely surprise receiving a call from you to tell us we had won our claim. There was no fuss and the final process was explained clearly.


Was a lovely surprise receiving a call from you to tell us we had won our claim. There was no fuss and the final process was explained clearly.


Very helpful, always aimed to get the best result for me. I would recommend Complex Law to anyone who was looking for a Solicitor.

Laura Hudson

Complex Law were extremely helpful, responsive and gave great advice which lead to a great resolution for my case. I would definitely recommend them to anyone.


Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about fraud and scams.
What are bounce-back loans, and why are they a concern for directors?
How can Complex Law assist directors facing claims related to unpaid bounce-back loans?
Can Complex Law assist with disputes involving other types of business loans?
What factors influence the success of negotiations or legal proceedings?
How can directors prepare for potential bounce-back loan disputes?
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